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Project Category: Acquisition


Increase accuracy of profitability predictions through offer optimization engine

BFSI / Cards / Acquisition What Business problem does it solve? Since there are multiple offers for customers, optimizing the right offer becomes crucial. There are two balancing aspects of optimization – The response of customers towards the offer & the…

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Increase campaign response and revenue through Machine learning model

BFSI / Cards / Acquisition What Business problem does it solve? At the acquisition stage, organizations only have limited data on customer bureau information, and getting positive responses to offers is crucial for customer acquisition in a competitive market. However, customer…

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Reducing acquisition cost by increasing application acceptance rate

BFSI / Cards / Acquisition What Business problem does it solve? Each month, numerous applications are rejected during prospect screening, primarily due to customer risk, high debt behavior, and incorrect information. Each rejection costs the bank in terms of resources that…

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Increase the profitability of acquisitions offer campaign using behavioural segmentation

BFSI / Loans / Acquisition What Business problem does it solve? Customers with good risk scores are extremely difficult to get as they have multiple offers from various loan providers and customers with bad risk scores bring the risk of NCL…

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Increase the profitability of new customer acquisitions by using behavioral segmentation in marketing campaigns

BFSI / Cards / Acquisition What Business problem does it solve? As the credit card business becomes more and more competitive, the primary challenge for businesses today is acquiring customers Who are attracted to the card’s value proposition so that they…

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